SOMIC Integrity System
Trust is important to us.
Employees and external partners who discover violations or irregularities against the law have the opportunity to submit a report anonymously or by stating their identity. This could be, for example, discrepancies with regard to compliance with legal regulations or instructions, which could have a damaging effect on oneself, colleagues, the company, customers or the general public. Examples of such irregularities or violations:
- Data protection violations
- Anti-competitive agreements / corruption
- Theft
- Money laundering
- Bullying / sexual harassment
This portal was created in particular to identify significant misconduct in accordance with applicable law, standards or internal company guidelines. In order to protect anonymity, the report goes to specially assigned and trained trusted persons. It is important that whistleblowers only report and pass on information that they are convinced is true to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Data protection notice:
The controller of the processing of your personal data is CBiM - Compliance-Beratung im Mittelstand, Dr. Harald Lindemann, St-Johann-Str. 1, 80999 Munich, Germany. The operational business is carried out by the company LegalTegrity GmbH, Platz der Einheit 2, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, which as a contractor is bound by instructions to CBiM - Compliance im Mittelstand, Dr. Harald Lindemann, St-Johann-Str. 1, 80999 Munich, within the framework of an order processing agreement. Information about the collection/processing of your personal data within the whistleblower system can be found here. Please read this carefully before submitting a report.